vintage furniture : Bright ethnic textiles pieced together on mid-century modern frames

1 minute read

BOKJA DESIGN: You leave me breatheless.  I first saw your gorgeous upholstered furniture while doing a Google image search about six months ago. I saved many of the images and decided I had to come out of hiding and blog about the pieces. Then, well, you know what happens. You get swept off in another direction
and altogether forget what it is that swept you off your feet.  I do keep inspiration boards and have Bokja’s images ready for the next board, but the next board is empty next to a pile of pictures that want to call the oard “home”.

Today, while searching for an image for my website, I caught a glimpse of the images I had saved and decided that I had to share your existence with all of the my followers (0) and everyone else who stumbles upon my infrequent postings.  I’m not so sure I need to share your entire story and evolution because you have a  great website and it tells us all. It is . The two Beirut-based founders chose the name Bokja, as they explain on their website, because bokja is an expression of respect and love for an age-old culture and aesthetic with a human approach. Emphasis is on color, craftmanship and sustainable use of the materials that are available to them to express an artistic idea with 

[ via : fabricadabrablog ]
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